Visual Studio 6 Crack Product Id

Visual Studio: Team Explorer Everywhere Updated To Support Eclipse Mars. Incremental update version 14.0.2 of the Eclipse plugin supports Mars, mixed repository use.

Wow Gene Kelly can really roller skate : See More See Less. Oddly the second post of a new year is trickier than the first one. The first one is truely a Happy.

Mobile Corner

Building Universal Windows Apps for Universal Performance

With the Universal Windows Platform, developers can target a wide variety of devices with a single application, but it comes with performance ramifications. We look at ways to make those apps more efficient and highly performant.



Visual Studio: Team Explorer Everywhere Updated To Support Eclipse Mars

Incremental update version 14.0.2 of the Eclipse plugin supports Mars, mixed repository use in projects.


C Corner

What s New with. NET Framework 4.6, Part 1: API Updates

For this first in a series, Eric Vogel checks out the new IReadOnlyCollection Stack and Queue implementations in. NET Framework 4.6.


App-To-Market, Part 4: If You Build It, Will Users Come.

You re a developer who s managed to create the killer app. You ve also built a well-rounded team and marketing plan to push it. But wait -- is it what users want.


Configuring Entity Framework for Oracle

If you find that Entity Framework works fine with your Oracle database in test but fails in production then you re probably missing one of these packages.


ASP.NET WebHooks Preview 2016 Update

It s a small step, but a duet of sender-side features are enabled in this preview that allow a more nuanced way of pushing out event-driven WebHooks to users.


End of Extended Support for Some. NET Framework, SQL Server Versions

Security risks will be a major concern for companies using some versions of. NET Framework and SQL Server after extended support ends some time this year.

Create Factory Functions in TypeScript for Creating Multiple Classes

TypeScript lets you create factory functions that ensure a specific class is created correctly. But, if you also leverage generics and interfaces, these factory functions can work with a variety of classes.


Practical TypeScript

Exploiting Generics in TypeScript

Generic classes and functions are one way to create flexible, reusable classes and functions. But before you start creating your own generic functions, you should be clear on when they re your best choice.

Visual Studio Online Sprint 92: Customizing Work Item Fields

It s no small feat to be able to customize work items, right from the Web. The functionality is due to process inheritance, which is a function of Team Process Templates.


Cross-Platform C

Performance Profiling Your Xamarin Apps

Learn to measure the performance of your apps and ensure a great UX.


Warn Developers about Using Your Old Code

If there are other developers who use your code and you want them to stop, well, there s an attribute for that.


Practical. NET

Processing a File or Folder When It Changes in Your Desktop Apps or Windows Service

When you need to know when a file or folder appears, disappears or is renamed -- in fact, if almost anything at all happens in the file system -- you can have Windows notify your application so that you can take action.

The R Lab

Introduction to R for. NET Developers

C developers who want to wring more meaningful info from large sets of data should get cozy with the statistical computing language known as R. Let s get familiar with R in this new series.


Wrapping Lines in Visual Studio

Some developers don t like having their code disappear off the right hand side of the screen. If you re one of those people, you might want to turn on Word Wrap.


Microsoft Updates Band SDK

New features in SDK allow more expanded health-tracking capabilities for Visual Studio developers who want to develop apps for second-generation Band.

Visual Studio Toolbox

7 Tools That Bring Cross-Platform Languages into Visual Studio

It s been another great year for new development tools and technologies. Here are some that bring cross-platform development languages or capabilities into Visual Studio.

Opening a Dialog Box in an ASP.NET MVC Page

There are lots of benefits to gathering information by opening a dialog box instead of sending your user to another page. Fortunately, jQuery and ASP.NET MVC make it easy to do and you don t have to worry about offending pop-up blockers.


. NET Framework 4.6.1 Improves on WPF, SQL Connectivity

. NET Framework 4.6.1 released. Meanwhile, variations of. NET Framework 4.x older than 4.5.2 are approaching end of support.


Office Developer Tools for VS 2015 Adds New Project Type

Outlook Add-in with Commands project type is a preview, as is new SharePoint 2016 Beta 2 templates for farm and sandboxed solutions.


Events and the Xamarin MessagingCenter

Application code needs to raise events and respond to them. The MessagingCenter makes this whole process much simpler than standard. NET events.

Create. zip Files from Code

If you re working with the Microsoft. NET Framework 4.0 or newer, here s how to create. zip files from code.

Node.js Tools for Visual Studio 1.1 Has More Intelli Sense

New version is a point release, with bug fixes and more polished performance, but it also incorporates a cleaner looking mode fo IntelliSense.


Leveraging Interfaces Instead of Inheritance

If you need to have objects look alike but don t have any code to share, you don t need inheritance -- you need an interface. Here s an example of how interfaces provide a more flexible way to deal with similar-but-different classes.


Microsoft Open Sources Chakra JavaScript Engine Components

The company is looking for the developer community s help in rewriting the newly dubbed ChakraCore to work on Linux, OS X, and other platforms.


Clang with Microsoft CodeGen: A VS 2015 Update 1 Gem

It s just one facet of the recent Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 release, but it s one that Visual C developers are excited to deploy. The update also includes numerous fixes to the standard library.

Visual Studio Code 0.10.3 Fixes Performance Snag

Users reported a number of startup and performance issues since the beta release of Visual Studio Code in mid-November.


Creating a NuGet Web Site

If you read Peter s article on how easy it is to use NuGet to share project components, then you won t be surprised to find out that setting up a NuGet Web site is equally easy.


Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, TFS 2015 Update 1 RTM

Final releases of VS 2015 Update 1, TFS Update 1 follow quickly after release candidates that were announced during Microsoft s Connect event in November.

Overloading TypeScript Functions

TypeScript has some interesting limitations when it comes to overloading functions. But it also offers you some options when you need more flexibility in declaring functions, including both optional parameters and infinite parameter lists.


Cortana, Power BI Integration Now In Preview

Developers can start testing a new feature that will allow users to ask Cortana to vocalize queries of data residing in Power BI-connected data sources.

Cortana, How Do I Add You To My Windows Apps.

With the Universal Windows Platform, you can now build apps that truly interact with the new digital assistant for Windows. In this article, Nick Randolph walks through using Cortana to launch and interact with your application.


Performance, Scalability Improved in SQL Server 2012 SP3

Latest service pack comes more than a year after the last service pack, and also adds a number of enhanced monitoring capabilities.


Microsoft Sheds Light on Open Source Developments

Microsoft s Jay Schmelzer described the current state of the developer group s open source efforts in Redmond at a Live. 360 Conference keynote.


The Easiest Way to Share Code: NuGet

You want to use a DLL in multiple projects it s even possible that other developers at your company might find your DLL helpful. The easiest way to distribute and deploy that DLL, or any other combination of files, is with NuGet. Really.


Developers First Line of Defense When Adopting DevOps

From Live. 360: A move to DevOps requires several key changes, including the idea that end product delivered to customers will have its imperfections. So, it s key that developers get in front of that with continuous app testing, debugging and delivery to keep the IT machine running smoothly.


What s in iOS 9 for C Developers.

A high-level look at some of the more interesting features of the newest Apple mobile OS that can trip up C developers making apps for it.

Microsoft Showcases Visual Studio Dev Essentials, Visual Studio Code in New York

Microsoft packages a handful of developer-related services into an Essentials-style pack, and submits Visual Studio Code to beta testing. Oh yeah, and it s also being open sourced.


Xamarin 4 s New Mac Agent Gives Devs More Direct Path to iOS Apps

New additions include the Mac agent for native iOS app development within the Visual Studio IDE, as well as a beta of Xamarin Insights and updates to Xamarin Forms and Xamarin Test Cloud.


Sencha Ext JS Offers. NET Devs Short Cuts for Web Apps

Preview of new plugin from the developers of the Sencha Web Application Lifecyle Management Platform allows. NET developers to write JavaScript code as if it were native to Visual Studio.

Stop Being Bugged About Changed Files

When Visual Studio asks you if you want to reload a file modified outside the editor, have you ever answered No. Ever. Well, then: Are you brave enough to do away with that dialog.

10 ORM and Data Tier Management Tools for Visual Studio

Let these tools generate your data access layer, saving you time and headaches. There s something here for the simplest or most complex projects.


Project Oxford Gets Emotional for Movember

Project Oxford team releases public beta of emotion tool that recognizes a core set of emotional states, which developers can embed into. NET apps.

Long Wait Over for Team Foundation Server 2015 Management Pack for System Center

Finally out of development, SCOM Management Pack for TFS 2015 allows monitoring of TFS 2015 from System Center Operations Manager.


Creating a True Value Object

You can dramatically simplify your code by using classes to define read-only/immutable objects but to create classes that behave correctly requires a little bit of redirection.

Visual Studio Fares Well in IDE Report

Strategy Analytics ranks the mobile developer environments from Apple, Google, and Microsoft, with Visual Studio getting slightly outpointed by Xcode.


Neural Network Lab

Parameter Sweeps, or How I Took My Neural Network for a Test Drive

The short definition of a parameter sweep is that it s the process of trying different training parameter values in order to find a good set of neural network weight values.


Updates to Visual C Include New Build Tool, Experimental Editor Tools

With Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 comes a few changes to the build tools as well as the addition of experimental tools in Visual C.


Cloud Foundry Now Supports. NET, Azure Natively

Pivotal s Cloud Foundry 1.6 platform allows. NET apps to run on Pivotal s cloud, as well as on a number of ALM toolchain products.


Creating a Value Object that Developers Can Use

You can dramatically simplify your code by using value objects, but to create a value object that makes sense to the developer who uses it, you need to redefine what the equals sign means. Along the way, Peter points out some problems when you don t use classes to define your data.


Build-Process Insanity

Many stories aim to share a saga of how code builds are successfully integrated with each other. This is not one of those stories.


Visual Studio 2015, Team Foundation Server 2015 Updates Near RTW

Vast list of improvements and changes across the board for the Microsoft developer tools platforms as the products get closer to final Web release: support for iOS 9 and Android Marshmallow in Tools for Apache Cordova, and a number of improvements specific to Visual C, Visual C and Node.js Tools for VS.

. NET Framework Dons the Red Hat with Deeper Linux Integration

Microsoft and Red Hat join forces to provide more Red Hat solution capabilities in the Azure public cloud, as well as. NET Framework integration with Red Hat platform offerings.


Protecting Shared Fields in Asynchronous Processing

If your asynchronous code isn t working right, it s probably your fault. But if you re sharing data between threads by using a field, there are two things you should try that might fix your problem.

Visual Studio Online Defines Visual in New Team Interface

Latest sprint comes with new dashboard capabilities that are meant to replace the Team Overview page, as well as improved pull request and testing features.


Revamped ReSharper Ultimate 10

The Visual Studio coding extension suite from JetBrains has a whole host of improvements, and includes a new build tool.


Solving Sliding Tiles with Artificial Intelligence and Some C

True artificial intelligence is years away. But we can demonstrate the challenges of AI decisionmaking using C to derive solutions for the classic sliding tiles puzzle.


ASP.NET MVC 6 and Tag Helpers, Part 2

Now that you know how to create tag helpers, let s create a custom one that loads a bootstrap-select dropdown via a remote URI.


Properties with Parameters and Making Them the Default

You can create properties that accept parameters just like methods.. But they work best when they re also the default property of your class.

SQL Server 2016 Breaks Out

Microsoft reveals a community technology preview of the venerable RDBMS that sports Always Encrypted technology and built-in R language services, among other features. Also in preview: Azure Data Lake Store and Analytics Services and Azure SQL Database In-Memory OLTP and Operational Analytics.

Language API from Project Oxford in Public Beta

Microsoft has offered a few of the machine learning APIs to developers to incorporate into apps. Out in public beta now is LUIS, the Language Understanding Intelligent Service that now has Chinese language support and adds dozens of prebuilt models.


Implementing Strategy Pattern and Callbacks in TypeScript

The TypeScript datatyping support not only applies to simple variables, it also supports you when doing clever things with functions. Specifically, TypeScript ensures you create reliable code when implementing callback functions.


Practical ASP.NET

Using Predicates in Akka.NET Receive Actors

Create precise logic dictating which messages an actor will handle and how they will react to them.


Xamarin Bolsters Cross-Platform Tools with RoboVM Buy

The acquisition adds Java development capabilities to the company s cross-platform development arsenal.


Why Won t My Razor Code Compile

There s a requirement for Razor code that everyone forgets. If you don t honor that requirement, though, your Views won t compile.

Modelling Actor Behaviors in Akka.NET

Simplify conditional actor code and improve readability.


Securing ASP.NET: Find a Flaw, Get 15K

Microsoft s ASP.NET team is willing to pay 15,000 to developers who discover specific security gaps in. NET Core and ASP.NET.


Hosting JavaScript in a Windows 10 App

An introduction to the Chakra JavaScript engine and how it can be used within a Windows 10 app to execute JavaScript.

A More Efficient Text Pattern Search Using a Trie Class in. NET

The trie data structure is one alternative method for searching text that can be more efficient than traditional search approaches. Here s a trie class you can create in C.


Simplifying Applications with Eventual Consistency

Stop trying to make everything work all at once. Instead, use Domain Events to make applications simpler, more scalable and easier to maintain -- and to defer updates until you can t avoid making them.


Visual Studio Online Supports Azure AD Groups

Sprint 89 now has support for Azure Active Directory Groups, and previews a new work item form that will be the basis for work item forms moving forward.

5 Non-Coding Procedures for Securing. NET Applications

Organizations that encountered security breaches have lost large sums of money, both directly and indirectly in terms of damaged reputations, layoffs, fines, etc. With so much at stake, developers need to turn to IT security, which is now a must for any IT department.


Visual Studio 2015, Team Foundation Server 2015 Updated

Three months from their original releases, both tool suites have a handful of fit-and-finish improvements meant to smoothe over the development process.


Catching Every Keystroke with jQuery

Peter shows how to catch changes in your Web page as soon as the user makes them.


Simplifying Applications by Implementing Eventual Consistency with Domain Events

Implementing Domain Events can dramatically simplify your application while also making it more scalable. Here are some of the implementation options available to you in the. NET environment.

Telerik Kendo UI Supports AngularJS 2.0, Web Components

The newest release also sports new spreadsheet widget that allows Excel-style data management and organization, as well as a handful of new project templates.

Step Up To Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent neural networks can solve some types of problems that regular feed-forward networks cannot handle.


VS Tools for Cordova Update 3 Aims for Stability

Along with a handful of features, including an ADAL plug-in, VS Tools for Cordova Update 3 aims for stability with a number of fixes that includes one for an error developers were getting after installing ASP.NET 5 Beta 7.

Microsoft Developer Division Chief Somasegar Steps Down

At Microsoft, the search is on for someone to fill the shoes of S. Somasegar, who will be leaving the company after 27 years.


Code Focused

How To Consume a WebAPI with RestSharp

The open source library RestSharp is designed to make consuming APIs from. NET easy and work across platforms.

Returning Server-Side Errors from AJAX Calls

Here s the simplest way to integrate custom server-side error messages with your jQuery AJAX calls.


Creating a Genuine Value Object

Peter addresses reader s concerns by showing how to implement a read-only/immutable value object.

Tools for Apache Cordova Version 1.0.0 Released

The toolset that allows Visual Studio developers to work natively with the popular Cordova mobile app framework finally makes it out of development, and becomes an open source project on Github.


An Intern Battles the Monster App

What Martin wanted was to fulfill his internship requirement for his degree and possibly earn a little spending money for his efforts. He got both of these and the experience of meeting The Monster.


Deploying Microservices Architecture with C, Part 2

Now that we ve got the basics of microservices, what happens when we take into production. It s time to make sure your message reaches its intended targets.


Add-In Commands Give Office 2016 Devs More Control

A number of new tools whose capabilities will be deployable in Office client apps in the coming months include add-in command extensibility, and theming and Office.js APIs.


Foley: The New Microsoft Is Unpredictable

Renowned journalist and Microsoft watcher Mary Jo Foley says the new Microsoft has become much more unpredictable, and highlights the current state of the app bridges of Microsoft s Universal App Platform.

Deploying Microservices Architecture with C, Part 1

What s all the hubbub with microservices. The benefits are in application management and delivery. Paul Mooney shows how in this sample C app.


What Makes Microsoft Run: An Inside Look at DevOps

Microsoft s Brian Harry offers a look deep inside the evolution of the company s development operations as it transformed itself into a cloud-centric organization.

Where JavaScript and SharePoint Apps Intersect

SharePoint is versatile, in that developers can interact with its data via other programming languages besides what s in Visual Studio. Here s how AngularJS fits into the development mix.


Display Just One Project in Solution Explorer

While you might have many projects in Solution Explorer, often you re only working on one of them. Here s how to get a view that focuses on the project that matters.

Azure Data Lake Store, Services and U-SQL Make Debut

Microsoft fills in the gaps on its Big Data offering with previews of its Azure Data Lake and Language Services, which includes the brand-new U-SQL language for crunching the incoming explosion of data.


Managing Functions in TypeScript

Functions in TypeScript aren t handled the way you d expect, based on any other language including JavaScript. Fortunately, because of the way TypeScript handles functions, you re protected from a common JavaScript error in addition to getting better IntelliSense support and compile-time checking, of course.


Creating Your Own ASP.NET MVC Authorization Attribute

Sometimes security gets a little bizarre. When that happens, you can create your own authorization attribute.


Azure Mobile Apps Backs Up to Azure Table Storage

A September update to the. NET Server SDK include automated OWIN setup and improved middleware authentication processes.

It s Universal: Understanding the Lifecycle of a Windows 10 Application

Nick Randolph pulls apart the lifecycle of a Windows 10 application and reveals what goes on programmatically when users launch, switch between and close Windows 10 apps.


Developer Tools for Office 2016

A number of developer tools have been in the works and released in recent weeks leading up to the release of Office 2016 today.


Building a Better MVC Helper

Readers suggest ways to build a powerful HtmlHelper that simplifies creating typical application Views. Along the way, Peter uses a workaround for extending an anonymous object with additional properties and shows how to extract values from a lambda expression in a View.

Multiple Solution Explorers

If you ve got many, many projects in a solution but are only working with one or two of them, you can simplify the view that Solution Explorer gives you.


Visual Studio Code Preview 0.8.0 Improves on Debugging

Preview version 0.8.0 adds TypeScript 1.6 support, improved debugging features, themes, and takes care of Windows setup bugaboos that have plagued some VSC users.


Unity 5.2 Uses Visual Studio 2015 as Default IDE

The game development platform has native integration with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, which allows option to install it as the default IDE.


Native Services with Xamarin.Forms. It s DependencyService to the Rescue

Sometimes you need to make platform-specific calls. That s where DependencyService comes in handy.


React and TypeScript Get Cozy

TypeScript 1.6 update adds support for React and JSX, which allows developers to use JSX syntax and TypeScript code interchangeably.

Strategies for Isolating Applications

If you re not careful, you ll replace your huge, lumbering unmaintainable enterprise applications with a web of applications that can t be changed without blowing each other up. But if you apply the same tools you use inside your applications to your application architecture, you can avoid that.


Convincing Razor to Recognize All of Your Expression

Razor works like magic but, every once in a while, it gives up recognizing your code too early. Here s how to ensure that Razor sees all of your expression.


The Power of Command Pattern with SharePoint

Command pattern helps to encapsulate a request as an object and lets you parameterize clients with queues, all while supporting undoable operations. I ll explain how to use command pattern using an example in which we create a list in SharePoint with Visual Studio.


How To Reuse Neural Network Models

Neural network models can be created, saved and reused. Here s how.


Azure Mobile Apps Gains Node.js Support

Microsoft makes significant progress with its Azure App Service by extending Node.js support by releasing a Node SDK for Azure Mobile Apps.

Distributed Concurrent Actor Models with Akka.NET

Ease the pain of concurrent programming with the Actor Model and Akka.NET.


9 Top. NET UI Component Collections

Simplify development of your next project by taking advantage of these UI control collections.


MSBuild Makes Cross-Platform Progress

Since March, Microsoft has had designs on taking the Microsoft Build Engine open source and cross-platform as it ports it to. NET Core in the coming months. Progress is in full swing now.


Integrate Action Methods into ASP.NET MVC Partial Views

Did you know that you can call your own Action methods from your Views. It s an easy way to build logic and flexibility into your Views without violating the MVC paradigm.


Domain-Driven Development: Where Does the Code Go.

Rather than arbitrarily deciding what code goes into an application and what goes into your business objects, you can lean on the rules that experienced developers have learned to follow to make those crucial decisions.


Azure SDK 2.7.1 for. NET Extends Capabilities to Visual Studio 2013

Point release now allows Visual Studio 2013 developers to gain access to Azure management tools, such as Cloud Explorer, HDInsight, and others.


Doubly Precise VB.NET Rounding Issues Abound

You d think that rounding should be simple, but why is it causing Ryan so much trouble. You can thank his managers for that.


Sprint Planning Tweaks Added to Visual Studio Online Sprint 87

Along with Sprint 87 release, a user name anomaly in Visual Studio Code that affects developers on Windows machine is also fixed.


Integrating Updates, Deletes and Inserts with TypeScript and ASP.NET MVC

Peter returns to his AJAX-enabled ASP.NET MVC application to show how Partial Views and TypeScript work together to simplify delivering a Single-page application.


App-To-Market: Can You Go It Alone.

You re a smart developer and so it s possible to do everything yourself. But your chance of success improves if you build a team to help you get your app to market. Here s why.

Delivering Scalable, Maintainable Objects with Domain-Driven Design

If you ve been creating Data Transfer Objects that integrate several objects into one, then you ve created what domain-driven design DDD calls an aggregate. But there are some rules you need to follow if you want to reap the benefits that DDD promises toward performance, maintainability and scalability.


Visual Studio 2012 Update 5 Released

Team Project Rename, a new feature introduced in VS 2015, now a capability for VS 2012 projects.

JNBridge Pro Extends Interop to Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015

New Proxy By Name feature allows Visual Studio developers to view metadata of the underlying binaries.


Debugging XAML with Live Visual Tree and Live Property Explorer Windows

In this article Nick Randolph breaks down XAML for the Universal Windows Platform using the Live Visual Tree and Live Property Explorer tool windows in Visual Studio 2015.

The Answer to Every File Path Related Problem

You need System.IO.Path, especially its Combine method.


Use OData Containment To Make the Easy Connections in an ASP.NET Web App

The Open Data Protocol allows for creation and consumption of REST APIs. Sam Nasr demonstrates OData 4 in a sample app that demonstrates containment, a new feature for facilitating data access.


Create Modern Android Apps with the Design Support Library

It s now easier than ever to create polished Android experiences. Greg Shackles shows how using Google s new Material Design style.

Finding Matching Brackets in C

C developers spend an unfortunate amount of time trying to determine which brackets really match up. There are at least three different ways to do that and Peter s betting that you don t know one of them.


Improve Test Asserts with Shouldly

Augment your testing framework with Shouldly for improved test code readability and better test failure messages.

Neural Network Binary Classification

The differences between neural network binary classification and multinomial classification are surprisingly tricky. McCaffrey looks at two approaches to implement neural network binary classification.


August Update: Visual Studio Code 0.7.0 Adds Language Enhancements

Visual Studio Code adds language improvements when working with JavaScript, JSON, PHP, Dockerfile, as well as C.

B4J Keeps Classic Visual Basic Alive

According to Anywhere Software, B4J aims to be the modern alternative to Visual Basic 6.

Simplifying Your Object Model with Value Objects

Our applications are complicated enough without adding any more. Here s a way to think about your objects that allows you to dramatically simplify your object model, provided you re willing to turn your current practice around by 180 degrees.


What Makes Universal App Platform So Attractive to Devs.

Microsoft s Thomas Fennel demonstrated several bridge innovations in the Universal App platform that should appeal to traditional developers.


15 Visual Studio Project Templates To Jump Start Your Code

Next time you re starting a new development project, skip the tedious configuration and setup with these handy templates.


Taking Visual Studio 2015 for a Test Drive

A quartet of Visual Studio team members demonstrated a number of the mobile first, cloud first innovations in the newly released development platform at Visual Studio Live. in Redmond.

The Power of Talking About Your Business Processes Correctly

One of the biggest problems in designing applications is the conversion from how the business talks about the business to how the developers think about coding it. Domain-driven design has a solution.


Comparing Strings Without Worrying About Case

Stop using ToLower or ToUpper to avoid case-sensitive comparisons. But be prepared to do some typing.

Accessing Office 365 Services via Visual Studio

Office 365 platforms keep getting better with every update, and now the Office 365 API for Visual Studio provides a great way to interact with Office 365 resources.


Customize Colors for Code Syntax Highlighting

C, JavaScript, and ASP.NET MVC coding issues can be made more prominent by customizing code syntax colors.


Windows Bridge for iOS Preview Is Open Sourced

Project Islandwood is currently available in preview form to the open source development community under the MIT license.


Take It to the Limit

Adam s employer was able to reclaim the company URL from a cyber squatter. Now it should be easy to make sure its site resolves to the new name, right.

Improved Networking APIs for Universal Windows Apps

Nestled inside the Universal Windows Application Development Tools for Visual Studio 2015 that was released last week are a few improvements that will make network and cloud connectivity much smoother.

Designing and Implementing Synchronous vs. Asynchronous WCF Services

Asynchronous services are easier to implement with support of the await and async keywords in WCF 4.5. We look at that, as well as contract-first development.


ASP.NET MVC 6, Part 1: Tag Helpers

Clean up your Razor views with the new tag helpers in ASP.NET MVC 6.


Checking If You Can Use a Class in C

There are -- at the very least -- three ways to check if you can work with a variable of a particular type in C : the is and as keywords, plus the. NET Framework IsAssignableFrom method. Here s when to use each.

Something New: ID Management, Productivity Tools in VS 2015

Some of the hidden gems in the just-released VS 2015 include improved account management as developers go from one environment to another, and the addition of some nifty features in the Productivity Power Tools for VS 2015.


Licensing, Pricing Tweaks with Visual Studio Online Favor Enterprises

Simple licensing change that allows single user to use VSO and TFS will go into effect September 1. And VSO Basic pricing is simplified as well.


Shrink Your Visual Studio Window and Put it Back

Sometimes you need to see something on the screen along with Visual Studio. You can make room on the screen in one keystroke and get back to maximum mode in one keystroke, too.


As Windows 10 Goes Live, So Do Developer Resources

Microsoft s developer division has been gearing up for this day, as it now officially opens up the Windows 10 Store and announces a handful of Windows 10 resources that developers can deploy in live production environments.


Working Programmer: Five Questions with Ted Neward

We catch up with the MSDN magazine columnist on remembrances of things past, and ask him what he sees in the future for programmers living in a mobile-first, cloud-first world.

Simplifying Single-Page Applications with ASP.NET MVC Partial Views

Partial Views can make creating Single-Page Applications dramatically easier by better achieving the goals of the MVC design pattern. Here, in TypeScript, is how to leverage Partial Pages to create an AJAX-enabled application in ASP.NET MVC.

Entity Framework 7 Beta 6 Out in Preview

EF7 Beta 6 adds data annotations, customization of reverse engineer via templates, and support for raw SQL commands.


Save Web Development Time with Web Essentials

Visual Studio developers can use a number of Web Essentials features to speed up Web development.


Visual Studio 2012 Update 5 RC Can Be Downloaded

Along with VS 2015 and. NET 4.6, VS 2012 Update 5 RC is now available, and with it come a few fixes and the capability to allow projects to be renamed.


Data Binding a Custom Cell in Xamarin.Forms ListView

The ListView in Xamarin.Forms has a lot of options, and the ability to use a custom cell is one of the more useful features.

License Changes Mean More TFS 2015 Feature Flexibility

Changes in licensing allows anyone with the basic CAL to get access to features that were available only to premium subscribers.


Keeping Debugging Data on the Screen

If there s some piece of data that you find interesting, you don t have to keep asking Visual Studio to display it. Instead, you can keep it around for as long as you want -- even when the code it s part of isn t on the screen.

Structuring Views in ASP.NET MVC to Centralize Logic

A View without any code is probably impossible in any real-world application. But, by leveraging Partial Views, you can still separate your View-related code from your HTML.

Why I m Excited About DocumentDB

DocumentDB brings together the best of No-SQL and the cloud, to give you a robust scalable data persistence engine. Here s what you need to know to start developing projects with it.


Variation on Back-Propagation: Mini-Batch Neural Network Training

Let s explore mini-batch training, the third among a variety of back-propagation algorithms you can use for training a neural network.


Official: Visual Studio 2015. NET Framework 4.6 Now Available

Also released is Visual Studio 2013 Update 5, which rolls up a number of bug fixes but also adds features for developers to perform load testing of apps via an Azure site globally from within Team Foundation Server.


Rosyln Update: The State of the. NET Compiler Platform

Now that Visual Studio 2015 is upon us, here s a brief overview of the capabilities of the. NET Compiler Platform.


Visual Studio Code Supports ECMAscript 6

An update to Microsoft s cross-platform code editor adds support for the popular scripting language.


Recycling Action Methods in ASP.NET MVC

Because your Action methods are really just methods, you can use them like any other method.


Domain-Driven Design: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.

Domain-Driven Design claims that it provides a strategy for building applications that will grow and evolve over time without collapsing under their own complexity. It does that by upsetting some conventional wisdom.

Switch Back to the Web Forms Editor for Static HTML

You lose some functionality with the default editor in Visual Studio 2013. Here s how to quickly switch back and get the functionality you were used to.


TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Part 5: Client-Side JavaScript

Let s wrap up this series on TDD for ASP.NET MVC and talk about the view layer via JavaScript.


C Developers Can Tap Into Azure AD Reporting Data

Developers can tap into Azure AD reporting data and create custom dashboards with the availability of a number of reporting APIs that Microsoft has released as previews last week.

11 Code Profiling and Performance Tools for Visual Studio

Performance optimization may be the root of all evil, but these tools simplify the process of wringing the best performance out of your code.


Team Foundation Server 2015 Likely Delayed After July 20

Unexpected stream of bug reports means more testing will be needed before final version is released, which might mean it won t be released in final form with the rest of the Microsoft developer tools on July 20. Meanwhile, the team opens up TFS 2015 RC 2 to testers.


Generate Reliable URLs in ASP.NET MVC AJAX Calls

You ve moved your ASP.NET MVC application into production and all of your lovely AJAX calls have started failing. The solution is to ensure the URLs you re using in your AJAX calls are absolutely correct.

How To Say the Right Things at a Developer Job Interview

In a DevDisasters reversal, Dave s meticulous attention to detail that points out the numerous issues in code that made it to a production system was enough to earn him a role at the company.

Dynatrace 6.2 Gives. NET Devs a Deep Dive into App Performance

The performance monitoring suite adds new components that provide for deeper looks at applications as well as the user experience with those apps.


Flagging a Page as Dirty with jQuery

Just a few lines of JavaScript will let you tell the user when they have something to save.


A Sharper, More Powerful C 6.0

The newest version of C 6.0 that you ll see in Visual Studio 2015 improves and streamlines the way you ll code for a mobile first, cloud first world.

Beta for ASP.NET 5 Available on NuGet

Microsoft recommends developers get ASP.NET 5 beta5 that was released earlier this week as an in-place upgrade to beta4, as it contains numerous changes to the. NET Execution Engine, ASP.NET and MVC 6.


Windows 10 SDK Build Updated

Developers registered with the Windows Insiders program got first crack at the changes made to most recent Windows 10 SDK released earlier this week.

Integrating Ajax and Partial Views in ASP.NET MVC

Partial Views aren t just for creating your initial View. You can also use them with your Ajax calls.


App-to-Market, Part 2: Refining Your Developer App for the Right Market

In this second of a series, we ll find out how to make sure your product is reaching the right market. But first, you need to work on you before you work on your product.

July 20: Visual Studio 2015, TFS 2015 and. NET 4.6 To Be Released Online

Microsoft s programming tools suite features get locked for its release to manufacturing later this month, and the company will simultaneously hold a number of online events and demos to formally introduce the tools to the world.


Even Better Data Typing with TypeScript 1.4

In TypeScript 1.4, you get type-safe support even when you may be working with multiple types, better type checking when inferring types and aliases for type definitions.


Fire OS 5 Preview Opens Up New Options for. NET Developers

Amazon opening up its Android-based tablet app platform means developers can target their apps for yet another revenue opportunity.


Why Wait for Updates. SQL Server 2016 Shifts into Rapid Preview

Less than a month after the first public preview of SQL Server 2016, Microsoft has released an update that for the first time puts the flagship relational database into rapid preview cadence.

Navigation with Xamarin Forms

Xamarin Forms makes the hard work of navigation in apps from device to device a much simpler developer proposition. Here s what I ve learned so far.


Docker Compose Files Can Be Edited Via Visual Studio Code

At DockerCon, a demo during a keynote shows Visual Studio Code capable of editing of Docker Compose files via an extension that will be available at the next update.

SQL Big Data Services Highlight New Oracle Cloud Offerings

Look out Microsoft. New Big Data services with a taste of SQL highlighted a bevy of new offerings added to the Oracle Cloud Platform yesterday.


What It Takes To Get Your App To Market

You ve developed a killer app that you know other developers and users want. Are you ready to take it to market. It s time to do some research and see where this new venture can take you. First in a series.

Lankford: You re Already a Cloud Developer

At Visual Studio Live. in San Francisco, keynote speaker Kris Lankford urges developers working with C, ASP.NET, and a number of Microsoft dev tools to embrace the cloud or get left behind.


TDD for ASP.NET MVC Part 4: Unit Testing View Model Validation

How to unit test view model validation, focusing on the controller when the model is bound to a controller action.


What s New in Visual Basic 14: Parameterless Constructors in Structures

Structures can now have a default constructor but you have to be careful how you use the structure to ensure that your constructor actually runs.


Handling Bad URLs in ASP.NET MVC

If users enter an invalid URL, then ASP.NET MVC will handle the problem by issuing a generic HTTP error. Here s how to give users more support plus some advice on avoiding the problem altogether.

Enterprise SQL Server Added to Amazon Cloud

Amazon Web Services unveiled a new Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Edition offering for the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.


Compiled Data Binding in the Universal Windows Platform

Nick Randolph investigates the inner workings of the new compiled data binding support available to Windows platform developers in the Universal Windows Platform.

Microsoft s Cross-Platform Tools Aim for Mac, OS X

Redmond s release of several tools for developing apps on Apple platforms during the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference couldn t have been timed any better.


A Simple and Sophisticated Logging Tool

When things go wrong in production, logging provides a way of going back through an application s history to find out what happened. Here s the simplest possible way to use Peter s favorite third-party logging utility: NLog.

Microsoft Adds MapR Hadoop to Azure Cloud

With prior partnerships in place with Hortonworks Inc. and Cloudera Inc., Microsoft has now teamed up with MapR Technologies Inc., the final member of the big three distributors of Apache-Hadoop based software


Customize Neural Networks with Alternative Activation Functions

Here s how to use non-standard activation functions to customize your neural network system.

What s New in Visual Basic 14: IsNot Works with TypeOf

If you thought IsNot Nothing was a big step forward, you ll love this.

Tips for Snagging That Senior Developer Job

You re vying for a senior developer position. Here s what you need to know to win over your interviewer.


Build a Windows Phone App for Consuming SharePoint 2013 Data

SharePoint 2013 offers several ways to interact with the SharePoint data, one of which is through the SharePoint SDK for Windows Phone 8. Malin De Silva walks through the process.

Speed Up Stored Procedures with Table Valued Parameters

Peter revisits an earlier tip on how to use stored procedures to speed up your code. This version makes your stored procedures simpler though you may have to write a little more code to make the call.


Visual Basic 14 Inline Comments

Finally. You can now comment individual components of long statements.

Automate All the Things: An AutoHotKey Primer for Developers

Avoid the drudgery of repetitive tasks. AutoHotKey is the most powerful keyboard scripting and automation tool for Windows, and I ll show you how to get started.


Huckaby: For Creative Developers, Evolving Natural User Interface Design Opens Up Opportunities

Natural UI expert Tim Huckaby live-demonstrated at Visual Studio Live. in Austin this week some well-developed but primitive NUI capabilities with his phone that show what is capable in the very near future as the technology matures.


Visual Studio Application Insights Pricing Discounted for Volume Users

Microsoft announced pricing cuts for volume users starting June 1 while Application Insights is in public preview.


The Great Conversion Function

Long hours finally took their toll on Adam s health, so Gerry picked up the slack in his own peculiar way -- introducing some slick do-it-all function.

From Austin: Microsoft Open Source Development Updates for 2015

Microsoft s Jay Schmelzer kicks off Visual Studio Live. in Austin, Texas highlighting the company s latest open source efforts within Visual Studio 2015 and the. NET Framework.


C 6.0 Gets More Concise with Expression Bodied Properties, Dictionary initializer

Eric Vogel goes over a few C 6.0 language improvements that will help make your coding experiences more concise.

Xamarin Adds Mobile App Security Features with IBM MobileFirst Protect

Xamarin Inc. is teaming up to integrate its cross-platform mobile development tools with IBM MobileFirst Protect security software.


Developing Your First Apple Watch App

Learn how to get started writing apps for your wrist.

Preview of Project System Extensibility SDK for Visual Studio 2015

Project System Extensibility SDK improves upon Visual Studio Managed Package Framework for Projects process for project system plug-in development.

TypeScript Futures

Now that Google is adopting TypeScript as the development tool for Angular 2, TypeScript 1.5 is going to gain some functionality driven by features in Google AtScript. But there s more in the next version of TypeScript than just AtScript features.


What s New in Visual Basic 14: ReadOnly Auto-Implemented Properties

Auto-implemented properties can now be marked as ReadOnly. Which raises the question: How do you set their value.

New Open Source Project: Windows Communication Foundation

The newest work-in-progress WCF that s targeting. NET Core is now being open sourced on GitHub.


Now Available: SQL Server 2016 Community Technology Preview 2

Well, Microsoft lied to us. They didn t provide the public preview of SQL Server 2016 this summer as promised -- they delivered today.


What s New with the Windows Universal Application Platform

Microsoft finally unveiled the Windows Universal Application Platform at Build in San Francisco. Nick Randolph takes the new controls -- and other changes that assist developers building adaptive layout applications -- out for a spin.

Leveraging Custom ASP.NET MVC Templates to Support Real-World Views

In the real world, you ll often need to display constant and repeating data, a.k.a. Master/Detail pages. Custom templates are the cleanest, simplest way for you to manage them.

Microsoft s May Security Update Includes. NET Framework Vulnerabilities

Buried in Microsoft s May bulletins are two. NET Framework fixes that are rated critical and important.


Creating SharePoint Application Pages with Visual Studio

SharePoint Application Pages provide truly flexible functionality across all the sites within a SharePoint front end. You can use Visual Studio to create those pages, with the added bonus of securing the content during development.


MapR Bolsters Hadoop Distro with Apache Drill for SQL-Based Big Data Analytics

After stewarding the open source project from incubation to its new 1.0 release, MapR Technologies Inc. added Apache Drill for SQL-based Big Data analytics to its Apache Hadoop distribution.

DevExpress TestCafe Updated to 15.1

New features in this version include the automation of screen caps of Web pages being tested and customizable test result reports.


What s New in Visual Basic 14 for Visual Studio 2015

With Visual Basic 14, it s not so much the language that s improving as the development environment. Here are the six things Peter thinks will mean the most to you.


TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Part 3: Contact Service Class

In this final part on test-driven app development with ASP.NET MVC, Eric covers how to unit test the services layer.

Syncfusion Updates Windows-Centric Big Data Platform

Syncfusion Inc. has updated its Big Data Platform, unique for its claim to be the one and only Hadoop distribution designed and optimized for Windows and free for even commercial use.

Visual Studio Code Feedback Loop, First Updates

The Visual Studio Code Team improves a few features of the portable code editor -- in particular, public issue tracking and centralized feedback channnel -- while still in preview.


How the New JSON Support Will Work in SQL Server 2016

Native support for JSON in the upcoming SQL Server 2016 was buried among the many goodies announced earlier this month for the flagship RDBMS, but it s the feature most requested by data developers, who this week got more details on the new functionality.

Displaying Data Flexibly with Custom View Templates in ASP.NET MVC

You don t always want to display the same data the same way. Here are your options for leveraging custom templates in Views to meet all of your needs -- and the code you need when a template won t do the job.

Agile Project Planning with Team Foundation Server 2015

Many of the changes to TFS affect agile planning features, for the better. Here s a look at five areas.


Build vNext Preview Available in Visual Studio Online

Next generation of the Microsoft Build automation system is now in public preview as part of Visual Studio Online Sprint 82.


A Network Diagnostics Tool for Visual Studio Developers

A peek at a diagnostics tool that gives developers some insight into networking issues that might be mucking up how apps interact among the Windows device spectrum.


Oh, CRUD It s Test-Driven Development for ASP.NET MVC, Part 2

In this second part on TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Eric Vogel covers how to implement unit tests for the remaining CRUD controller actions.

Neural Network Train-Validate-Test Stopping

The train-validate-test process is hard to sum up in a few words, but trust me that you ll want to know how it s done to avoid the issue of model overfitting when making predictions on new data.


My Favorite New Language Feature in C 6.0 and Visual Basic 14

The NameOf operator is not a big thing, but it s going to save me a bunch of silly code.

Protect ASP.NET Applications Against CSRF Attacks

Protect your ASP.NET applications from Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks by leveraging ARMOR, a C implementation of the Encrypted Token Pattern. Here s how.


What s New in Visual Basic 14. String Interpolation and Multiline Literals

String.Format is great for mixing text and variables in a single string. String Interpolation is better. And multiline literals are pretty cool, too.

Inject Custom Middleware into the ASP.NET Pipeline with OWIN

You can easily slide middleware and other custom code into the ASP.NET pipeline by taking advantage of the Microsoft implementation of the OWIN specification in the coming Visual Studio 2015.


Telerik Releases NativeScript 1.0

The JavaScript-based cross-platform development platform sees light of day, as well as a number of new and upgraded tools, including some aimed at. NET developers.

The Danger of Received Wisdom or, Stupid Things I ve Said

Peter reviews some of the more spectacularly incorrect things he s told other people and then draws some conclusions.


TypeScript 1.5 Inches Nearer to ECMAScript 6

TypeScript 1.5, which has been in the hands of beta testers since the end of April, packs bug fixes and a few more features to get it ready to align with the upcoming ECMAScript 6.

18 Indie and Small-Press Programming Books

Staying up-to-date with technology is easier when you have the right resources. Here are 18 books that will level up your skills.


Microsoft Provides Sneak Peek at Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Fresh from last week s Build developer conference in San Francisco, Microsoft executives appeared at the company s first-ever Ignite conference in Chicago and provided more details about the company s new Azure SQL Data Warehouse.


GitHub Extension Now in Visual Studio Gallery

The extension simplifies the back-and-forth connections from Visual Studio 2015 RC to GitHub. But there s an interesting aside to how the extension was developed that reveals something about the New Microsoft.

Bad Code in Any Language

Code audits seemed unnecessary to everyone except the auditor. Good thing the auditor finally had one sympathetic ear -- Andrew -- to hear him out.

Always Encrypted Leads New SQL Server 2016 Features

Microsoft said a new Always Encrypted security feature highlights its upcoming SQL Server 2016 -- the biggest leap forward in Microsoft s data platform history -- shipping this summer in a public preview.


New in Visual C 6.0, Visual Basic 14: New Null/Nothing Check

Simplified testing for null and Nothing. Simplified testing for null and Nothing. Simplified testing for null and Nothing.

Microsoft Finds New Use for Database: Guessing Your Age

Forget all that techy Azure Big Data stuff -- Microsoft found a new way to put databases to work that s really interesting: guessing your age from your photo.


10 Takeaways from Microsoft Build

Microsoft believes Windows 10 will be big for consumers, and an even bigger opportunity for developers. The company trotted out nine more solutions that should keep developers busy.

Inside the Universal Windows Platform Bridges

Microsoft s four-fold path leading to a singular coding platform is becoming a real possibility.

Microsoft Shows Off Universal Windows Platform

Day two of the Microsoft Build 2015 conference kicked off with a keynote demonstrating the capabilities of the new universal Windows platform.


Release Candidates for Visual Studio 2015 Tools Now Available

Just in time for Build, the Visual Studio Team has delivered the first set of release candidates for a number of tools in the Visual Studio 2015 family, and these ones come with a bounty of new features.

Create a SharePoint Hosted App with Visual Studio

The hooks in SharePoint Apps allow developers to streamline the process of creating them without SharePoint getting in the way.

One for All: Build Offers Glimpse of New Windows Apps

Microsoft aims to give developers the means to code one app that s capable of running on Windows, Windows Phone, Microsoft Azure and the new Windows Holographic Platform.


Microsoft Build: Windows 10, Cross-Platform Development, Universal Apps Are Front, Center

The company packed quite a bit into a three-hour keynote that spanned the spectrum of Microsoft technologies and hardware. For developers, the emphasis was on cross-platform app building, with new tools built right into the next Visual Studio 2015.

Azure SQL Data Warehouse Leads New Microsoft Data Products

A new Azure SQL Data Warehouse preview offered as a counter to Amazon s Redshift headed several data-related announcements at the opening of the Microsoft Build conference today.

Managing Asynchronous Processes in TypeScript

Promises not only provides a simple, flexible interface for assembling chains of asynchronous operations in client-side code, it also makes it easier for you to manage parallel processing.

Visual Studio Online Sprints 80, 81 Now Available

Project renaming, a top user feature, now available, as is account restoration and several incremental configuration updates to Kanban boards and Taskboards.


Leverage Azure When Building Enterprise Mobile Apps with Windows Phone

Building line-of-business mobile apps for Windows Phone that connect to Microsoft Azure for authentication, data storage and notifications isn t much different from on-premises apps. Here s what it takes.

Geek Talk: Are Strings Value Types or Reference Types.

Some things only matter to the true nerd. So, if you re looking for a genuinely useful article, this isn t it.


Windows 10 and Universal Apps: You ve Seen This Before

In all likelihood, Microsoft will highlight Universal App building. Here s what we know now. Specifics, of course, will be well known by the end of the week.

Ahead of Build, Windows 10 Preview Gets an Update

A Windows 10 preview targeting fast-ring testers is released ahead of Microsoft s conference season.


What s New in C 6.0: Selecting Exceptions in a TryCatch Block

Finally. C developers get a feature that Visual Basic Developers have had since. NET Framework 3.0.


What s Fixie and Why Should C Programmers Care.

It s what unit testing should be. Here s how to use it to test your apps.


What s New in C 6.0: Initialize Properties Just Like Fields

C 6 lets you declare a property and initialize it in one statement.


Survey: SQL Server and Oracle Holding Off Unstructured Big Data

Despite all the publicity around Big Data and Apache Hadoop, a new database deployment survey indicates traditional, structured relational database management systems still reign among enterprises, with SQL Server dueling Oracle for the overall lead.

Azure Service Fabric Unveiled

Cloud service for orchestrating microservices from within Visual Studio will have a preview at next week s Microsoft Build conference.

A Simple Data Binding Trick for an iOS App

Display data to a user with Xamarin.iOS and this nifty class.


Microsoft Open Technologies Shuts Down

As the group gets absorbed back into Microsoft, the company will start up a new open source advocacy group, Microsoft Open Technology Programs Office.

Install Problems Reported in SQL Server 2014 SP1

Microsoft pulled its SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 after numerous reports of installation errors.


Microsoft, Zend To Release App Monitor for Developers Working with Azure App Service

Z-Ray to provide productivity enhancements for PHP developers working within Microsoft s managed cloud service.


Speed Up Your Application with Stored Procedure and Temporary Tables

Stored procedures can speed up your code by reducing trips to your database -- even if you only have one SQL statement to execute. Here s how to speed up your application and how to simplify your stored procedure code.


9 Cool Extensions for Keeping Visual Studio Projects on Track

Writing software is a complicated process. These new Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 extensions help your projects stay on schedule.

SQL Is Popular, Pays Well, Big New Survey Reveals

SQL skills pay well and the technology is among the most popular as indicated by a big new developer survey from Stack Overflow, which tracked everything from caffeine consumption to indentation preferences


Coding Neural Network Back-Propagation Using C

Back-Propagation is the most common algorithm for training neural networks. Here s how to implement it in C.

What s New in C 6.0: Dictionary Initializers

C 6.0 has a new syntax for initializing Dictionaries. The result is code that you can actually read.

Round 2 for Visual Studio Tools for Unity 2.0

Another preview of the Unity gaming debugging plugin will have support for the Unity 5 gaming platform update, as well as an Options panel for enabling/disabling new features as needed.

Special Reports

Visual Studio Live.: New Technologies Breed New Uncertainties

User experience expert Billy Hollis points to great deal of uncertainty, and describes the best response for success in such a world.


Visual Studio. NET, Azure Development Updates at Visual Studio Live.

Microsoft s Visual Studio team live-demo recent enhancements to the platforms that facilitate mobile device and cloud development.

Azure DocumentDB Goes Live

Microsoft announced general availability of its NoSQL service for developers and IT pros.

Ajax Control Toolkit Streamlines, Drops. NET 3.5 Support

DevXpress releases Version 15.1 with numerous bug fixes, but there s also a streamlining of features and weeding out of experimental features and functions.


PSBuild: Like MSBuild on Steroids

PSBuild acts as a PowerShell wrapper for the Microsoft Build Engine.

The Open Source Journey of the. NET Compiler Platform, a Year Later

Kasey Uhlenhuth of the Managed Languages Team opens up about lessons learned in Microsoft s efforts to develop the upcoming Roslyn compiler with help from the open source community.


Redmond Review

Data Platform Needs Foundation, Not Just Planks

As Microsoft continues to offer newer, more innovative data platforms in the cloud, the SQL Server flagship is languishing. Here s what Microsoft needs to do to ensure it moves forward.


Automatic Sorting for Your Collections

The. NET Framework has two collections that will guarantee your items are always sorted whenever you process the collection. Here s how to choose between the two and how to control the sort order including supporting duplicate entries.


Windows Driver Framework Now on Github

Availability, transparency of code is aimed at giving Visual Studio developers a leg up on debugging device drivers.


When Indexes Are No Help

Peter returns to an earlier tip to explain why it doesn t always work.

Pink Slip for the Developer Who Slipped In

If you think Bert is all talk when it comes to his decade of C experience, you re wrong. He delivers 15 times.


Application Insights Update Allows for Sharing Customized Monitors

Still in pre-release, updates are coming out fast for Application Insights SDK for Web Apps, including new ways to share customized charts.

WinJS 4.0 Now a Preview

Newest version of Windows Library for JavaScript improves on cross-browser-enabled features and aims for improved compatibility with Windows 10 look and feel.


Visual Studio 2015 Pricing To Be Simplified

Current Ultimate subscribers will notice a significant price reduction. Also: a Visual Studio 2015 timeline quick reference.

Microsoft Opens Up: A Q A with Scott Hanselman

Microsoft has been running full steam ahead with its open development process. So what does it mean to those developing across disparate platforms. Scott Hanselman explains.


Asynchronous Processing with TypeScript and Generic Promises

Promises make asynchronous processing simple, consistent and easy to use. And, with TypeScript and Promises.TypeScript providing support for generic Promises, you get both type safety and IntelliSense support.


Inside the Azure API Tools for Visual Studio 2013

Azure API Tools for Visual Studio 2013 gives developers a quick path to connecting to third-party REST APIs.

Analyst: SQL Server Not Enough in Modern Data World

Forrester analyst says existing approaches to business intelligence need updating in the modern world, and converging them with Big Data technologies requires more than traditional DBMS systems such as SQL Server can provide.


ConventionTests, Part 2: Creating Custom Conventions in ASP.NET

Now that you know how to use them see Part 1 if you don t, it s time to create custom ones.


A Node.js IDE for Visual Studio Devs

Microsoft debuts Node.js Tools for Visual Studio version 1.0 after a year of development.


Azure App Service Debuts

Developers can start using the Azure-based App Service apps, with other cross-platform/cross-device services available in preview.

Windows 10 SDK Now Out as a Preview

Windows Insider members can access the software development kit preview for building Universal Apps on the upcoming Windows 10 platform.


Everything You Didn t Know About Shared and Static Members

Peter s convinced you re not using Shared and static members enough, but then he s also convinced that none of you know about all the ways you can use those two keywords.

MSBuild Engine Gets Git d

The upcoming Microsoft Build Engine that will be part of Visual Studio 2015 is now an open source project on Github.

9 Reasons Why Team Foundation Version Control Is Not Dead

Microsoft s Brian Harry offers proof that TFVC is still alive and well.


Azure Toolkit for Eclipse March Release Now Supports Mac, Linux

The collection of templates and functions for building Eclipse apps running on Azure now has support for building apps from Mac and Ubuntu.

Idera Unveils New SQL Server Suites

Idera Inc. announced new suites for managing SQL Servers, providing performance monitoring, automated maintenance, security features and more.


Configuring for a Setup Project

If you re adding an installation project to your Visual Studio solution then there s one setting you might miss.

DevExpress Takes over Development of the Microsoft AJAX Control Toolkit

The open source library for developing AJAX-Webified apps gets a much-needed face lift to get with the modern coding times.


Mainly Fixes in Visual Studio Online Sprint 79

Improvements to Kanban boards and bug fixes in this sprint means the march to final gets nearer and nearer.

Python Tools 2.2 Beta Updated

Python Tools for Visual Studio adds a number of user-requested features, including a centralized comments window, and the ability to launch and configure multiple Python environments.


Authentication Tools Previewed in Visual Studio 2015

Upcoming release will include some developer-requested features integrated into ADAL. NET and. NET Core to streamline use of OpenID and OAuth app protocols.

Retrieve and Update Entity Framework with Dynamic Queries

You don t have to give up on creating dynamic queries just because you re using Entity Framework. Entity SQL and ObjectQuery will let you generate queries at runtime and still let you update your data through Entity Framework.

Creating SharePoint 2013 Workflow Apps with Visual Studio

SharePoint 2013 workflows for automating common business processes can be deployed as SharePoint apps built using Visual Studio.  


Inside Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP 3.1

Testing Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6. You ve got the latest tools for debugging Apache Cordova apps on Windows Phone 8.1.

Omitting and Including Debug Code

Peter s working with some fragile code and has included some code to support debugging which he doesn t want to send to the production system. The Conditional attribute solves his problem.


Third CTP for Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 Now Available

Minor update enables support for graphics debugging of Unity-based apps on Windows Phone and rolls up a few buggy issues.


Microsoft Updates PHP Driver for SQL Server

Continuing the company s shift to openness and interoperability, Microsoft yesterday released an updated PHP driver for SQL Server.

Add Real-Time Diagnostics to Your Windows Phone 8.1 App with SignalR

Adding real-time diagnostics and communication to a Windows Phone 8.1 application is no challenge for SignalR.

Application Insights Gives Devs a Closer Look into Java Apps

Microsoft released an SDK that opens up Java application telemetry to cloud and Web developers.


How To Use Resilient Back Propagation To Train Neural Networks

It s more complex than back propagation, but Rprop has advantages in training speed and efficiency.

Telerik s NativeScript Aims To Centralize Cross-Platform Mobile Development

Now in beta testing, the new framework offering takes an open source JavaScript-based approach to cross-platform coding across iOS, Android and Windows with one code base.

Collaboration Puts TypeScript Right in the Middle of AngularJS

Microsoft and Google to collaborate on building the second coming of the open source Web application framework, and TypeScript will be the tool of choice.


I Get XAML, You Get XAML, Everyone Gets XAML with Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms gives you the gift of XAML if you re looking to take the short route to building mobile interfaces.

Sneak Peek at Microsoft s Mobile Experience Reboot

Microsoft s Kevin Gallo shows off Windows 10 and the Universal Apps platform at Barcelona mobile event.

Visual Studio in Full-Screen Mode

Not many people are aware of it, but you can get even more space for Visual Studio by eliminating the borders and title bar.

How To Simplify the Dreaded Task of Documentation Publishing with GitHub Pages

You don t have to reinvent the Web site to publish some documentation for your project. Take advantage of GitHub Pages to build almost point-and-click doc sites.


WorkflowEngine.NET Adds HTML5 Support

The Windows Workflow Foundation alternative gets an incremental update.


Keeping Your Next Developer Job

You don t need to worry about keeping your current job -- it will be gone, eventually. What you want to worry about is keeping your next job. That means developing the right skills to the right level for the package you intend to provide to employers.

Windows Phone Struggles Amid Android and iOS

Window Phone continues to have growing pains, and future success hinges on Windows 10 s success, suggests IDC report.


Crouching Manager, Hidden Database

If there s one life lesson to be learned here, it s that just because a manager knows how to write code, it doesn t mean that they should be allowed to write code.

Microsoft Learning Retakes Available on MCSD Exams

Get a reprieve on a failed exam toward your MCSD -- popular Second Shot exam retake program runs to end of May.


Telerik DevCraft Update Features New Cross-Platform Controls

The Telerik DevCraft suite of. NET development tools was updated today with new controls for mobile app development within Visual Studio, among many other enhancements, new owner Progress Software Corp. announced.


Attain Code Management Nirvana via Test-Driven Development, Part 1

In this three-part series, we ll build an ASP.NET MVC application for managing a simple list of contacts, and in the process we ll show some of the direct benefits of test-driven development.

Leveraging Views in Entity Framework

Peter steals another tip from a reader: Entity Framework isn t just for tables and stored procedures. Leveraging SQL Server views can simplify your code.

Microsoft Band Opens Up with Developer SDK Previews

Microsoft released an SDK for developers who want to extend their Android and Windows Phone apps to support its Microsoft Band and Microsoft Health apps.


Visual Studio 2015, Team Foundation Server 2015 CTP 6 Now Available

Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 comes with more efficient cloud services single sign-on, improvements in ASP.NET and Xamarin integration, and an update to Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova.


Creating a Simple Collection Class

Here s the simplest possible code for creating a custom collection class in the Microsoft. NET Framework that includes support for For Each loops, an indexer method and initializing collections with .

Microsoft To Add React JavaScript to Visual Studio 2015

In response to overwhelming user requests, Microsoft has started a project to add support for a React JavaScript component to the next version of Visual Studio.


Visual Studio Online Sprint 78: New-Look Kanban Boards

In this sprint, Kanban boards get a spartan look to allow for customizing them in the future. Also, more testers can be added to Visual Studio Online test suites.


OData 4.5 for Web API, ODataLib 6.10.0 Now Available

New versions of OData and ODataLib were released late last month on NuGet.

Microsoft Azure Data Updates Continue Open Source Trend

One day after Big Data player Pivotal Software changed its business model by open sourcing core technologies, Microsoft today announced related product updates with a definite open source slant.


Handle Conflicting Namespaces with Aliases

It doesn t happen very often but when you have a class that appears in two namespaces, you don t have to prefix the class name with the full namespace.

Write Automated UI Tests for iOS and Android Apps

Writing automated UI tests for your iOS and Android apps might not be as difficult as you think. Learn how to set up tests for your apps with Xamarin.UITest.


Simple ForEach Processing on Lists

Save yourself some code by calling the List s ForEach method.



5 Questions on Web Development with Robert Boedigheimer

It takes tenacity, persistence, and maybe a little bit of Tae Kwon Do to tackle the complexity of Web development. It s something Robert Boedigheimer knows well.

DataTyping in TypeScript

The TypeScript approach to data typing is different than what you re used to with server-side languages. This allows the language to integrate with other JavaScript libraries, but the results can surprise you.


Cut or Copy in One Keystroke

The simplest tip ever but it has some results that you might not like.


Beyond Unit Tests with ConventionTests

Be triple sure your code works by augmenting your test platform. This nifty open source library will do that.

5 Visual Studio Questions with Dr. James McCaffrey

Our man from Microsoft Research who was instrumental in the development of Internet Explorer and Bing tells us what makes working with Visual Studio such a rewarding experience.

Managing Your Skills Portfolio

There s no right answer to What technology should I learn next. But there is a way to manage your skills to maximize the return you get from them.


9 New Visual Studio 2013 Extensions

It s a little more than one month into the new year, and there s a wave of new Visual Studio extensions available specifically for Visual Studio 2013.


Fill a String with Characters

Who knew that the String object had a constructor, let alone that it s useful.


Q A: Xamarin s Jonathan Pryor on Android 5 Lollipop

Xamarin s development lead offers insights into the Android 5 Lollipop update and how the speed with which Android releases spin out affects their own releases.

Support Remote Clients with a Custom Exception Object

Here s something that you don t need to do when creating your own Exception class -- but if you do make the extra effort you can ensure that your Exception works everywhere you might raise it.


A Trillion Events Per Day. Trill Does That for. NET Apps

Microsoft Research-developed high-performance in-memory incremental analytics engine plugs into. NET natively to give apps ability to churn through gobs of data in nothing flat.


A Near-Apocalyptic SQL Disaster Scenario

There once was an invoicing system that, when it worked, it worked very well, indeed. But when it was broken, it was horrid.

Using Multi-Swarm Training on Your Neural Networks

Now that you know how to work with multi-swarm optimization, it s time to take it up a level and see how to train your network to use it.


Microsoft Open Sources. NET CoreCLR

The ongoing effort to open source. NET Core gets clearer, as the team adds the execution engine that drives. NET apps to the Github repository.


Dynamic Data Access with Plain Old SQL and SqlQuery

You don t have to give up using dynamic SQL just because you re using Entity Framework. The Entity Framework SqlQuery method will give you back the flexibility of dynamic SQL and still let you work with your data in an object-oriented way.

Shine Up Those Older Web Forms Applications with ServiceStack

Forget post backs. Easily add REST services to enhance your legacy Web Forms applications.

Reformat Your Whole Code File in One Step

You ve cut some material and your code s indentation is all wrong. It s easy to fix.


Azure SQL Database Gets Closer to Pure SQL Server

Microsoft announced a bevy of improvements to its cloud-based data products, including an updated Azure SQL Database sporting new security features and bringing it closer to full SQL Server engine compatibility.

Working New Android 5 Lollipop Features into Your Apps

Android 5 Lollipop has a few new features -- including some UI and performance improvements -- that can now be incorporated into your apps. Here s how to work with the update.


Visual Studio Online Basic License Changeup

Licensing changes affects user acceptance testing and Agile Planning. Also: Work for the Visual Studio Online, Team Foundation Server teams.

NCache Distributed Cache for. NET Gets Open Sourced

Alachisoft frees up its in-memory distributed cache solution through the Apache 2.0 open source license.


Supporting Updates and Deletes with Backbone and TypeScript

Peter finishes off his series on creating single-page applications by showing how jQuery integrates with Backbone to support updates and deletes also: how to convert a string to a number in TypeScript.

Test Out Visual Studio 2015 CTP 5 on an Azure VM

Developers looking to check out the latest Community Technology Preview CTP of Visual Studio 2015 can do so without using up precious resources, now that a preview is available via an Azure VM. Also released: Visual Studio 2013 Update 5 CTP 1.


Take Control of Exceptions with a Custom Exception Object

If you really want to take full control of the exceptions you pass to your clients, you can write your own Exception class. Here s how to do that, complete with support for additional properties.


Control Class ToolTip During Debugging

During debugging, the fastest way to see the current value of any variable is to hover your mouse over it. DebuggerDisplay lets you control what information you get for one of your classes.

Microsoft To Buy R Language Specialist for Big Data Portfolio

Microsoft today said it will bolster its extensive Big Data portfolio with the acquisition of Revolution Analytics, a company that specializes in products and services based on the R programming language.


Inheriting Interfaces

Sure, you ve got classes inheriting from classes, but did you know that you can do that with interfaces also. It may even be useful.


How To Inject Analytics Code into Windows Phone 8.1 Apps

Nick Randolph dissects a Windows Phone 8.1 application package in order to inject analytics tracking code into a pre-build application.

Anypoint Platform Goes Mobile

. NET developers can now use MuleSoft s Anypoint data connetivity middleware solutions to extend its services out to enterprise mobile apps.


5 Tips for Contributing to Microsoft Open Source Projects

Microsoft made. NET Core and other. NET Foundation projects open to community collaboration. Want to make a contribution. Read these tips first.

Multi-Swarm Optimization for Neural Networks Using C

Multi-swarm optimization MSO is a powerful variation of particle swarm optimization. Understanding how MSO works and how to implement it can be a valuable addition to your developer toolkit.


Syncfusion Sweetens ASP.NET Features in Essential Studio 2014 Volume 4

The company touts this release as the biggest yet for mobile developers, but those using it with ASP.NET will find lots to love in the number of new controls that span several tools across the Microsoft suite.

Managing Complex Web Requests

A complex ASP.NET MVC form can drive you to a big, ugly action method that handles all the functionality the page offers. The ActionMethodSelector provides a clean way to separate that logic over multiple methods, provided you understand a key distinction of which many ASP.NET MVC developers aren t aware.


Control XML Output with SaveOptions

A more elegant solution that doesn t waste any time making sure things are all nicely nested and indented in an XML document.


Sharpening Developer Productivity with ReSharper

ReSharper is a Visual Studio plug-in from JetBrains that brings an incredible amount of features designed to increase developer productivity.


Telerik Adds Bevy of Cloud Mobile Development Services

More quick-start templates, enhanced push notifications, and new Telerik Device Cloud service, currently in beta, will allow testing on hundreds of physical devices.


Visual Studio provides the most comprehensive solution to easily deliver applications across all Microsoft platforms, including phone, desktop, tablet, server, and.

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Hi Paul, Great Article, exactly what im looking for but having a little difficulty with Wix version 3.6, i wonder if you can help. Using the latest version of Wix.

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